"Show not what has been done, but what can be done. How beautiful the world would be if there were a procedure for moving through labyrinths". - Umberto Eco

JB Consulting offers a wealth of experience in a number of approaches to support individual and organisational wellbeing, cohesion and talent development



Back to Work - Health, Recovery & Wellbeing

Working with individuals and organisations after a disruption in life, such as a new diagnosis, surgery, or a change in personal circumstances to increase resilience, support work/life balance, and maintain momentum. Read more...

Social Prescribing & Community

Consultation for developers and organisations in ways to address community wellbeing to encourage cohesion, reduce social isolation, and build resilience. Read more...

Facilitation & Engagement

Consultation, facilitation, and supervision to support stakeholder engagement or team dynamics.

Leadership Development 

Developing leadership, talent, and resilience with individuals and organisations.

Teaching & Training

Training in leadership, communication, and coaching skills.

Nature-based Health Coaching

Walking and motivational coaching in local, green spaces to facilitate behavioural changes.

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